Why children's teeth are important

Why children's teeth are important

26 March 2019 Our Services 0
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Dental caries that are left untreated for a long time not only jeopardize the health of the child's teeth, but can also lead to infections that may affect the underlying permanent teeth. Dental caries in children should be diagnosed, treated and then protected by regular oral hygiene, diet guidance, and six-month regular appointments with the dentist. Dental caries are not the only cause of permanent health deterioration. The bacteria content of a mouth filled with dental caries is very high. When new permanent teeth begin to age at the age of 6, these present bacteria also produce dental caries. Dental caries are caused by many causes. Poor oral hygiene and diet are the most common. Dental caries that are left untreated for a long time can not only lead to deterioration of existing dental health, but can also lead to infections that may affect the underlying permanent teeth. Small gaps require small fillings, large gaps require large fillings. Cavities close to the nerve of the child can be treated with half or full root canal treatments. The sole purpose of these treatments is to stop progressive tooth decay, restore the tooth tooth and provide an uninfected environment for the development of permanent teeth. Children's teeth are the leading teeth that guide the teeth in the mouth. They guide the permanent teeth from the right places when the time comes. The loss of substance due to tooth decay and shots in children's teeth leads to permanent irregularities in the teeth and high cost Orthodontic treatments. For this reason, the child's teeth must be kept in the mouth, early shooting should not be done, even if the tooth is made to place a placeholder should be done. Fissure sealant and fluorination treatments in the mixed dentition period are a preventive measure for future dental caries.

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